Gardens Matter
Spring should now be with us, the cold snap of earlier in the year may well have held some plants back, especially after heavy frosts in January but the spring bulbs should surely now be blooming.

The garden is an integral part of our home and people have differing ideas about how it should look. This makes our gardens unique, but what if you have too much, or not enough? It is a balance. We are entering a period where it is becoming the norm to have or require a smaller garden. Pressure on builders to put up as many homes as possible in as small a space as practicable as we, the buying public, have busier lifestyles and are less inclined to want to spend a couple of hours mowing lawns or tending borders.
Sometimes there is an option to sell a portion of your garden to a needing neighbour or to acquire a parcel of land which adjoins your garden. Many factors have to be taken into consideration if pursuing one or the other of these options. The ownership, ‘Title’, of the land will have to be transferred and this will generally need to be done by a conveyancing solicitor who will deal with the Land Registry to transfer that Title.

It may be necessary to employ someone such as myself to assist in this process, be it to undertake a valuation of the land, peg out a new proposed boundary, identify an existing boundary and/or prepare a suitably compliant Ordnance Survey scale plan which the solicitor can use for the Land Registry during the transfer process.

There are many other considerations. Is the land subject to a mortgage as part of a property as a whole? Will the sale or purchase of the land improve or depreciate the value of your property? Significant matters which your lender will take into consideration. If you are buying part of an adjoining field you may well have to apply for planning consent for change of use from agricultural land to garden ground. This is not always guaranteed as different local authorities take differing views.

This is a simplistic view of the process which can be quite time-consuming. I have recently been involved in a number of these situations be it measuring, valuing, or drawing scale plans. If you are considering such a transaction and require assistance or advice please give me a ring and we can talk it through.

by Andrew Mason
Property Consultant